Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024
Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page]
Network Working Group
Intended Status:
Standards Track
C. Bonnell
J. Gray
D. Hook
T. Okubo
M. Ounsworth

A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in Paired Certificates


This document specifies a method to efficiently convey the differences between two certificates in an X.509 version 3 extension. This method allows a relying party to extract information sufficient to construct the paired certificate and perform certification path validation using the constructed certificate. In particular, this method is especially useful as part of a key or signature algorithm migration, where subjects may be issued multiple certificates containing different public keys or signed with different CA private keys or signature algorithms. This method does not require any changes to the certification path validation algorithm as described in RFC 5280. Additionally, this method does not violate the constraints of serial number uniqueness for certificates issued by a single certification authority.

About This Document

This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

The latest revision of this draft can be found at Status information for this document may be found at

Discussion of this document takes place on the Limited Additional Mechanisms for PKIX and SMIME (lamps) Working Group mailing list (, which is archived at Subscribe at

Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on 3 January 2025.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

In certain public key infrastructures, it is common to issue multiple certificates to a single subject. In particular, as part of an algorithm migration, multiple certificates may be issued to a single subject which convey public keys of different types or are signed with different signature algorithms. In cases where relying party systems cannot be immediately updated to support new algorithms, it is useful to issue certificates to subjects that convey public keys whose algorithm is being phased out to maintain interoperability. However, multiple certificates adds complexity to certificate management for relying parties and exposes limitations in applications and protocols that support a single certificate chain. For this reason, it is useful to efficiently convey information concerning the elements of two certificates within a single certificate. This information can then be used to construct the paired certificate as needed by relying parties.

This document specifies an X.509 v3 certificate extension that includes sufficient information for a relying party to construct both paired certificates with a single certificate. This method does not require any changes to the certification path validation algorithm as described in [RFC5280]. Additionally, this method does not violate the constraints of serial number uniqueness for certificates issued by a single certification authority.

In addition to the certificate extension, this document specifies two PKCS #10 Certificate Signing Request attributes that can be used by applicants to request Paired Certificates using a single PKCS #10 Certificate Signing Request.

2. Conventions and Definitions

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

2.1. Definitions

For conciseness, this document defines several terms that are frequently used throughout.

Base Certificate: A X.509 v3 certificate which contains a delta certificate descriptor extension.

DCD: An acronym meaning "Delta Certificate descriptor", which is a reference to the X.509 v3 certificate extension defined in this document.

Delta Certificate: A X.509 v3 certificate which can be reconstructed by incorporating the fields and extensions contained in a Base Certificate.

Paired Certificates: A Base Certificate and the corresponding Delta Certificate whose information is encoded in the Base Certificate's DCD extension.

3. Relationship between Base Certificates and Delta Certificates

In some public key infrastructures, it may be common to issue multiple certificates to the same subject. For example, these certificates generally contain the same (or substantially similar) identity information and generally have identical validity periods. The differences in certificate content generally stem from the certification of different keys, where the named subject may have multiple keys of different algorithms certified by separate certificates. The use of different keys allows for the subject to use the key that is most appropriate for a given operation and intended recipient. For example, as part of an ongoing algorithm migration, it is useful to use stronger algorithms when both of the systems utilized by the subscriber/sender and recipient have been upgraded. However, in the case where systems have not yet been updated, the use of a legacy key algorithm may be required. Additionally, multiple certificates may be issued to the same subject that certify keys for different purposes, such as one key for signing and another key for encryption.

The management of multiple certificates may be complex, and there may be limitations in protocols regarding the handling of multiple certificate chains. To account for these concerns, this document proposes a method to efficiently encode the differences between two certificates with sufficient information such that a relying party can derive the complete certificate from another. For the purposes of this document, the "Base Certificate" contains its own fields and extensions and additionally includes an extension that conveys all differences contained within the paired certificate. The certificate whose elements which differ from the Base Certificate and are captured in the Delta Certificate descriptor extension of the Base Certificate is known as the "Delta Certificate".

Delta Certificates are reconstructed from the Base Certificate either on the sender's side or the recipient's side depending on the protocol and application(s) in use. The sender may elect to send the Base Certificate or the Delta Certificate based on information that it has about what the recipient can process. Similarly, the client may send either the Base Certificate or the Delta Certificate based on what the server can process. This assures backwards compatibility as the certificate sent to the peer (server or client) is chosen based on what it can process. The negotiation on which certificate to use is out-of-scope of this document and is deferred to each protocol and application.

In the absence of information concerning the capabilities of the peer, it is unknown whether it understands the DCD extension in the Base Certificate. When the recipient does not understand the DCD extension, it only processes the information within the Base Certificate and ignores the information found in a non-critical DCD extension. If the recipient receives a Base Certificate and is capable of processing the DCD extension, then it may reconstruct the Delta Certificate to be used for processing.

In a protocol, the sender may perform a cryptographic operation with the key conveyed within the Base Certificate. If it understands the DCD extension, then it may reconstruct the Delta Certificate and choose to perform the same operation with the key conveyed within the DCD extension. Alternatively, if the sender understands the DCD extension and knows that the receiver will only process the Delta Certificate, the sender can reconstruct and send only the Delta Certificate. This behavior is deferred to the software in use.

4. Delta certificate descriptor extension

The Delta Certificate descriptor ("DCD") extension is used to reconstruct the Delta Certificate by incorporating both the fields and extensions present in the Base Certificate as well as the information contained within the extension itself.

Certification authorities SHOULD NOT mark this extension as critical so that applications that do not understand the extension will still be able to process the Base Certificate.

The inclusion of the DCD extension within a Base Certificate is not a statement from the issuing Certification Authority of the Base Certificate that the contents of the Delta Certificate have been verified. Conversely, the DCD extension is merely a mechanism to encode the differences between two Paired Certificates. Given this, it is possible for the Base Certificate to expire prior to the Delta Certificate, and vice versa. However, the policies governing a public key infrastructure may add additional requirements for the content of the DCD extension or alignment of validity periods for Base Certificates and Delta Certificates. For example, a policy may require that the validity periods of the Base Certificate and Delta Certificate be identical, or that if the Delta Certificate is revoked, the Base Certificate must also be revoked.

4.1. Delta certificate descriptor content

The DCD extension is identified with the following object identifier:

(TODO: replace this temporary OID)

id-ce-deltaCertificateDescriptor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
   joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1)
   entrust(114027) 80 6 1

The ASN.1 syntax of the extension is as follows:

DeltaCertificateDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE {
  serialNumber          CertificateSerialNumber,
  signature             [0] IMPLICIT AlgorithmIdentifier
  issuer                [1] IMPLICIT Name OPTIONAL,
  validity              [2] IMPLICIT Validity OPTIONAL,
  subject               [3] IMPLICIT Name OPTIONAL,
  subjectPublicKeyInfo  SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
  extensions            [4] IMPLICIT Extensions{CertExtensions}
  signatureValue        BIT STRING

The serialNumber field MUST be present and contain the serial number of the Delta Certificate.

The signature field specifies the signature algorithm used by the issuing certification authority to sign the Delta Certificate. If the DER encoding of the value of the signature field of the Base Certificate and Delta Certificate is the same, then this field MUST be absent. Otherwise, it MUST contain the DER encoding of the value of the signature field of the Delta Certificate.

The issuer field specifies the distinguished name of the issuing certification authority which signed the Delta Certificate. If the DER encoding of the value of the issuer field of the Base Certificate and Delta Certificate is the same, then this field MUST be absent. Otherwise, it MUST contain the DER encoding of the value of the issuer field of the Delta Certificate.

The validity field specifies the validity period of the Delta Certificate. If the DER encoding of the value of the validity field of the Base Certificate and Delta Certificate is the same, then this field MUST be absent. Otherwise, it MUST contain the DER encoding of the value of the validity field of the Delta Certificate.

The subject field specifies the distinguished name of the named subject as encoded in the Delta Certificate. If the DER encoding of the value of the subject field of the Base Certificate and Delta Certificate is the same, then this field MUST be absent. Otherwise, it MUST contain the DER encoding of the value of the subject field of the Delta Certificate.

The subjectPublicKeyInfo field contains the public key certified in the Delta Certificate. The value of this field MUST differ from the value of the subjectPublicKeyInfo field of the Base Certificate. In other words, the Base Certificate and Delta Certificate MUST certify different keys.

The extensions field contains the extensions whose criticality and/or DER-encoded value are different in the Delta Certificate compared to the Base Certificate with the exception of the DCD extension itself. If the extensions field is absent, then all extensions in the Delta Certificate MUST have the same criticality and DER-encoded value as the Base Certificate (except for the DCD extension, which MUST be absent from the Delta Certificate). This field MUST NOT contain any extension:

  • which has the same criticality and DER-encoded value as encoded in the Base Certificate,

  • whose type does not appear in the Base Certificate, or

  • which is of the DCD extension type (recursive Delta Certificates are not permitted).

Additionally, the Base Certificate SHALL NOT include any extensions which are not included in the Delta Certificate, with the exception of the DCD extension itself. Likewise, there is no mechanism to remove extensions from the Delta Certificate that are present in the Base Certificate. Therefore, it is not possible to add or remove extensions using the DCD extension. The ordering of extensions in this field MUST be relative to the ordering of the extensions as they are encoded in the Delta Certificate. Maintaining this relative ordering ensures that the Delta Certificate's extensions can be constructed with a single pass.

The signatureValue field contains the value of the signature field of the Delta Certificate. It MUST be present.

4.2. Issuing a Base Certificate

The signature of the Delta Certificate must be known so that its value can be included in the signatureValue field of the delta certificate descriptor extension. Given this, Delta Certificate will necessarily need to be issued prior to the issuance of the Base Certificate. To simplify reconstruction of the Delta Certificate, the signatures for Base and Delta Certificates MUST be calculated over the DER encoding of the TBSCertificate structure.

After the Delta Certificate is issued, the certification authority compares the signature, issuer, validity, subject, subjectPublicKeyInfo, and extensions fields of the Delta Certificate and the to-be-signed certificate which will contain the DCD extension. The certification authority then populates the DCD extension with the values of the fields which differ from the Base Certificate. The CA MUST encode extensions in the Base Certificate in the same order used for the Delta Certificate, with the exception of the DCD extension itself.

The certification authority then adds the computed DCD extension to the to-be-signed Base Certificate and signs the Base Certificate.

4.3. Reconstructing a Delta Certificate from a Base Certificate

The following procedure describes how to reconstruct a Delta Certificate from a Base Certificate:

  1. Create an initial Delta Certificate template by copying the Base Certificate excluding the DCD extension.

  2. Replace the value of the serialNumber field of the Delta Certificate template with the value of the DCD extension's serialNumber field.

  3. If the DCD extension contains a value for the signature field, then replace the value of the signature field and the signatureAlgorithm field of the Delta Certificate template with the value of the DCD extension's signature field.

  4. If the DCD extension contains a value for the issuer field, then replace the value of the issuer field of the Delta Certificate template with the value of the DCD extension's issuer field.

  5. If the DCD extension contains a value for the validity field, then replace the value of the validity field of the Delta Certificate template with the value of the DCD extension's validity field.

  6. Replace the value of the subjectPublicKeyInfo field of the Delta Certificate template with the value of the DCD extension's subjectPublicKeyInfo field.

  7. If the DCD extension contains a value for the subject field, then replace the value of the subject field of the Delta Certificate template with the value of the DCD extension's subject field.

  8. If the DCD extension contains a value for the extensions field, then iterate over the DCD extension's "extensions" field, replacing the criticality and/or extension value of each identified extension in the Delta Certificate template. If any extension is present in the field that does not appear in the Delta Certificate template, then this reconstruction process MUST fail.

  9. Replace the value of the signature field of the Delta Certificate template with the value of the DCD extension's signatureValue field.

As part of testing implementations of this specification, implementers are encouraged to verify the signature of the reconstructed Delta Certificate using the issuing Certification Authority's public key to ensure that the Delta Certificate was reconstructed correctly.

5. Delta certificate request content and semantics

Using the two attributes that are defined below, it is possible to create Certificate Signing Requests for both Base and Delta Certificates within a single PKCS #10 Certificate Signing Request. The mechanism presented in this section need not be used exclusively by requestors for the issuance of Paired Certificates; other mechanisms (such as the submission of two Certificate Signing Requests, etc.) are also acceptable. Additionally, this document does not place any restriction on the amount of time that may elapse between the issuance of a Delta Certificate and the request of a Base Certificate; such restrictions should be defined by the policy of a particular public key infrastructure.

The delta certificate request attribute is used to convey the requested differences between the request for issuance of the Base Certificate and the requested Delta Certificate. Similar to the semantics of Certificate Signing Requests in general, the Certification Authority MAY add, modify, or selectively ignore information conveyed in the attribute when issuing the corresponding Delta Certificate.

The attribute is identified with the following object identifier:

(TODO: replace this temporary OID)

id-at-deltaCertificateRequest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
   joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1)
   entrust(114027) 80 6 2

The ASN.1 syntax of the attribute is as follows:

DeltaCertificateRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE {
  subject               [0] IMPLICIT Name OPTIONAL,
  subjectPKInfo         SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
  extensions            [1] IMPLICIT Extensions{CertExtensions}
  signatureAlgorithm    [2] IMPLICIT AlgorithmIdentifier

DeltaCertificateRequest ::= ATTRIBUTE {
   WITH SYNTAX DeltaCertificateRequestValue
   ID id-at-deltaCertificateRequest

The delta certificate request signature attribute is used to convey the signature that is calculated over the CertificationRequestInfo using the signature algorithm and key that is specified in the delta certificate request attribute. Section 5.1 describes in detail how to determine the value of this attribute.

This attribute is identified with the following object identifier:

(TODO: replace this temporary OID)

id-at-deltaCertificateRequestSignature OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
   joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1)
   entrust(114027) 80 6 3

The ASN.1 syntax of the attribute is as follows:

DeltaCertificateRequestSignatureValue ::= BIT STRING

deltaCertificateRequestSignature ATTRIBUTE ::= {
   WITH SYNTAX DeltaCertificateRequestSignatureValue
   ID id-at-deltaCertificateRequestSignature

5.1. Creating a Certificate Signing Request for Paired Certificates

The following procedure is used by a certificate requestor to create a combined Certificate Signing Request for Paired Certificates.

  1. Create a CertificationRequestInfo containing the subject, subjectPKInfo, and attributes for the Base Certificate.

  2. Create a delta certificate request attribute that specifies the requested differences between the to-be-issued Base Certificate and Delta Certificate requests.

  3. Add the delta certificate request attribute that was created by step 2 to the list of attributes in the CertificationRequestInfo.

  4. Sign the CertificationRequestInfo using the private key of the delta certificate request subject.

  5. Create a delta certificate request signature attribute that contains the signature value calculated by step 4.

  6. Add the delta certificate request signature attribute that was created by step 5 to the list of attributes.

  7. Sign the CertificationRequestInfo using the private key of the base certificate request subject.

5.2. Verifying a Certificate Signing Request for Paired Certificates

The following procedure is used by a Certification Authority to verify a Certificate Signing Request for Paired Certificates that was created using the process outlined in Section 5.1.

  1. Create a CertificationRequest template by copying the CertificationRequest submitted by the certificate requestor.

  2. Verify the signature of the base certificate request using the public key associated with the base certificate request subject and the signature algorithm specified in the signatureAlgorithm field of the CertificationRequest template. If signature verification fails, then the Certification Authority MUST treat the Certificate Signing Request as invalid.

  3. Remove the delta certificate request signature attribute from the CertificationRequest template.

  4. Replace the value of the signature field of the CertificationRequest template with the value of the delta certificate request attribute that was removed in step 3.

  5. Verify the signature of the delta certificate request using the public key associated with the delta certificate request subject. If the signatureAlgorithm field of the delta certificate request attribute is present, then the Certification Authority MUST perform signature verification using the algorithm specified in this field. Otherwise, the Certification Authority MUST perform signature verification using the algorithm specified in the signatureAlgorithm field of the CertificationRequest template. If signature verification fails, then the Certification Authority MUST treat the Certificate Signing Request as invalid.

6. Security Considerations

The validation of Base Certificates and Delta Certificates follows the certification path validation algorithm defined in [RFC5280]. In particular, the certification path validation algorithm defined in [RFC5280] MUST be performed prior to using a Base or Delta Certificate; it is not sufficient to reconstruct a Delta Certificate and use it for any purpose without performing certification path validation. If a use case requires it, a Delta Certificate can be reconstructed specifically for the purposes of validation to ensure that the Delta Certificate is valid for its intended purpose on final reconstruction. That being said, some form of validation such as revocation checking, and signature verification MUST always be assured at the point the certificate is used.

There are some additional considerations for the software to handle the Base Certificate and Delta Certificate. The Base Certificate and Delta Certificate may have different security properties such as different signing algorithms, different key types or the same key types with different key sizes or signing algorithms. The preference on which certificate to be used or using both when available is deferred to the server or client software.

The software is expected to make choices depending on the certificate's security properties or a policy set for the particular PKI. One example of handling two certificates is "fallback" where if the validation of the first certificate fails, it attempts to validate the second certificate. Another example to handle two certificate is "upgrade", where the validation of the first certificate succeeds but still attempts the validation of the second certificate. While this document provides a vehicle to convey information of two certificates in one, it does not address the rules that are expected to be set by the policy of a PKI on how to issue Paired Certificates and how to handle them.

The algorithms that are used for the Base Certificate and Delta Certificate respectively should be carefully set by the policy of each PKI reflecting the best current practices in usage of cryptography. The behavior of the server or client software is expected to be well-defined in accordance with the policy in order to avoid downgrade attacks or substitution attacks.

7. IANA Considerations

For the Delta Certificate descriptor extension as defined in Section 4.1, IANA is requested to assign an object identifier (OID) for the certificate extension. The OID for the certificate extension should be allocated in the "SMI Security for PKIX Certificate Extension" registry (

For the Delta Certificate Request and Delta Certificate Request Signature attributes as defined in Section 5, IANA is requested to create a new registry under SMI Security Codes and assign two object identifiers (OID).

For the ASN.1 Module for the extension and attributes defined in Appendix A, IANA is requested to assign an object identifier (OID). The OID for the module should be allocated in the "SMI Security for PKIX Module Identifier" registry (

8. Normative References

Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, , <>.
Cooper, D., Santesson, S., Farrell, S., Boeyen, S., Housley, R., and W. Polk, "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile", RFC 5280, DOI 10.17487/RFC5280, , <>.
Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, , <>.
ITU-T, "Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation", ISO/IEC 8824-1:2015, .

Appendix A. ASN.1 Module

The following ASN.1 [X.680] module provides the complete definition of the extensions, attributes, and associated identifiers specified in this document.

DeltaCertificateDescriptor { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6)
  internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0)
  id-mod-deltaCertificateDescriptor(TBD) }




  AlgorithmIdentifier{}, SIGNATURE-ALGORITHM
  FROM AlgorithmInformation-2009  -- RFC 5912
  { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5)
    mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0)
    id-mod-algorithmInformation-02(58) }

  FROM PKIX-CommonTypes-2009  -- RFC 5912
  { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1)
    security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0)
    id-mod-pkixCommon-02(57) }

  CertificateSerialNumber, Name, Validity, SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
  CertExtensions FROM PKIX1Explicit-2009  -- RFC 5912
  { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5)
    mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0) id-mod-pkix1-explicit-02(51) };

-- Temporary OID arc --

id-temporaryArc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
  joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1)
  entrust(114027) 80 6

-- Extension --

id-ce-deltaCertificateDescriptor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
       id-temporaryArc 1 }

DeltaCertificateDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE {
  serialNumber          CertificateSerialNumber,
  signature             [0] IMPLICIT AlgorithmIdentifier
  issuer                [1] IMPLICIT Name OPTIONAL,
  validity              [2] IMPLICIT Validity OPTIONAL,
  subject               [3] IMPLICIT Name OPTIONAL,
  subjectPublicKeyInfo  SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
  extensions            [4] IMPLICIT Extensions{CertExtensions}
  signatureValue        BIT STRING

ext-deltaCertificateDescriptor EXTENSION ::= {
  SYNTAX DeltaCertificateDescriptor
  IDENTIFIED BY id-ce-deltaCertificateDescriptor

-- Request Attributes --

id-at-deltaCertificateRequest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
       id-temporaryArc 2 }

DeltaCertificateRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE {
  subject               [0] IMPLICIT Name OPTIONAL,
  subjectPKInfo         SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
  extensions            [1] IMPLICIT Extensions{CertExtensions}
  signatureAlgorithm    [2] IMPLICIT AlgorithmIdentifier

DeltaCertificateRequest ::= ATTRIBUTE {
   WITH SYNTAX DeltaCertificateRequestValue
   ID id-at-deltaCertificateRequest

id-at-deltaCertificateRequestSignature OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
       id-temporaryArc 3 }

DeltaCertificateRequestSignatureValue ::= BIT STRING

DeltaCertificateRequestSignature ::= ATTRIBUTE {
   WITH SYNTAX DeltaCertificateRequestSignatureValue
   ID id-at-deltaCertificateRequestSignature


Appendix B. Examples

This appendix includes some example certificates which demonstrate the use of the mechanism specified in this document. Two use cases of this mechanism are demonstrated: algorithm migration and dual use. The PEM text and dumpasn1 output for each certificate is provided.

B.1. Root certificates

The two certificates in this section represent the two root Certification Authorities which issue the end-entity certificates in the following section.

B.1.1. EC P-521 root certificate

This is the EC root certificate.


  0 773: SEQUENCE {
  4 614:   SEQUENCE {
  8   3:     [0] {
 10   1:       INTEGER 2
       :       }
 13  20:     INTEGER 0C 24 0E E2 3E BC 25 E4 BA B6 08 12 BA 36 76 5B FF B9 44 C0
 35  10:     SEQUENCE {
 37   8:       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecdsaWithSHA512 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 4)
       :       }
 47 139:     SEQUENCE {
 50  11:       SET {
 52   9:         SEQUENCE {
 54   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
 59   2:           PrintableString 'XX'
       :           }
       :         }
 63  53:       SET {
 65  51:         SEQUENCE {
 67   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
 72  44:           UTF8String
       :             'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure'
       :           }
       :         }
118  43:       SET {
120  41:         SEQUENCE {
122   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11)
127  34:           UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department'
       :           }
       :         }
163  24:       SET {
165  22:         SEQUENCE {
167   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3)
172  15:           UTF8String 'ECDSA Root - G1'
       :           }
       :         }
       :       }
189  30:     SEQUENCE {
191  13:       UTCTime 12/09/2023 12:18:41 GMT
206  13:       UTCTime 09/09/2033 12:18:41 GMT
       :       }
221 139:     SEQUENCE {
224  11:       SET {
226   9:         SEQUENCE {
228   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
233   2:           PrintableString 'XX'
       :           }
       :         }
237  53:       SET {
239  51:         SEQUENCE {
241   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
246  44:           UTF8String
       :             'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure'
       :           }
       :         }
292  43:       SET {
294  41:         SEQUENCE {
296   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11)
301  34:           UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department'
       :           }
       :         }
337  24:       SET {
339  22:         SEQUENCE {
341   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3)
346  15:           UTF8String 'ECDSA Root - G1'
       :           }
       :         }
       :       }
363 155:     SEQUENCE {
366  16:       SEQUENCE {
368   7:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecPublicKey (1 2 840 10045 2 1)
377   5:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER secp521r1 (1 3 132 0 35)
       :         }
384 134:       BIT STRING
       :         04 00 87 EB 58 14 EE 9C D2 42 AB 27 53 EE ED 8E
       :         9B 02 90 AF C6 4F AE AE 87 E5 B3 87 A1 AB 12 B1
       :         30 F0 ED E5 31 84 1A B4 C9 A3 84 47 09 A6 02 95
       :         7E CD 52 3A C1 6F 15 8B 94 B1 F7 4C 3F 81 3A 60
       :         D8 00 03 00 BF 0A EF FD E4 C4 AF F6 D6 E1 C9 45
       :         0E F2 4C 0D 1B FE 38 B3 9E 4A 30 26 9E 66 E7 F9
       :         65 67 96 0C 59 64 7C F4 4B 4F 01 A1 7C 98 E0 CA
       :         C0 A9 17 A9 99 33 DE 5B AD 20 5B D3 DA 38 01 51
       :         0B C5 AA 44 93
       :       }
521  99:     [3] {
523  97:       SEQUENCE {
525  15:         SEQUENCE {
527   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER basicConstraints (2 5 29 19)
532   1:           BOOLEAN TRUE
535   5:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
537   3:             SEQUENCE {
539   1:               BOOLEAN TRUE
       :               }
       :             }
       :           }
542  14:         SEQUENCE {
544   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER keyUsage (2 5 29 15)
549   1:           BOOLEAN TRUE
552   4:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
554   2:             BIT STRING 1 unused bit
       :               '1100000'B
       :             }
       :           }
558  29:         SEQUENCE {
560   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14)
565  22:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
567  20:             OCTET STRING
       :               7F 15 EB 8A 8A F0 1A 3A 3F 24 6E C8 3A 27 49 B9
       :               3E 27 38 5D
       :             }
       :           }
589  31:         SEQUENCE {
591   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER authorityKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 35)
596  24:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
598  22:             SEQUENCE {
600  20:               [0]
       :                 7F 15 EB 8A 8A F0 1A 3A 3F 24 6E C8 3A 27 49 B9
       :                 3E 27 38 5D
       :               }
       :             }
       :           }
       :         }
       :       }
       :     }
622  10:   SEQUENCE {
624   8:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecdsaWithSHA512 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 4)
       :     }
634 140:   BIT STRING, encapsulates {
638 136:     SEQUENCE {
641  66:       INTEGER
       :         00 D9 AE 3D 9E A3 E2 E1 98 7F 1E 81 DB 13 FE EC
       :         4E F3 09 8E 27 A4 B1 3B 29 B3 C4 0C 1F 4E 76 C7
       :         D0 9B 19 99 03 A0 AC 0B 43 35 9D 2C 80 C3 E2 F8
       :         64 0F D0 11 07 68 84 F9 8D EB 81 66 F1 47 71 95
       :         53 3B
709  66:       INTEGER
       :         00 DE 2E AC 08 DA 98 DD CD 28 13 9B 0E 8B F1 68
       :         5D D7 58 65 B9 01 E2 22 7E 46 6B 17 A7 89 10 7F
       :         64 DE FA 8B 2F E5 A9 F1 F1 2F 9B 55 FE A3 93 70
       :         4E AF 56 7A D0 8B 2F 96 12 BC FF 65 9F AB 27 52
       :         55 82
       :       }
       :     }
       :   }

B.1.2. Dilithium root certificate

This is the Dilithium root certificate. It contains a Delta Certificate Descriptor extension which includes sufficient information to recreate the ECDSA P-521 root.


   0 6511: SEQUENCE {
   4 3178:   SEQUENCE {
   8    3:     [0] {
  10    1:       INTEGER 2
         :       }
  13   20:     INTEGER 15 67 7A 84 2C 46 84 33 4B F9 2D 4E 2F 75 18 EF 0F A9 B1 B4
  35   13:     SEQUENCE {
  37   11:       OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 3 6 1 4 1 2 267 12 6 5'
         :       }
  50  143:     SEQUENCE {
  53   11:       SET {
  55    9:         SEQUENCE {
  57    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
  62    2:           PrintableString 'XX'
         :           }
         :         }
  66   53:       SET {
  68   51:         SEQUENCE {
  70    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
  75   44:           UTF8String
         :             'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure'
         :           }
         :         }
 121   43:       SET {
 123   41:         SEQUENCE {
 125    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11)
 130   34:           UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department'
         :           }
         :         }
 166   28:       SET {
 168   26:         SEQUENCE {
 170    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3)
 175   19:           UTF8String 'Dilithium Root - G1'
         :           }
         :         }
         :       }
 196   30:     SEQUENCE {
 198   13:       UTCTime 12/09/2023 12:18:41 GMT
 213   13:       UTCTime 09/09/2033 12:18:41 GMT
         :       }
 228  143:     SEQUENCE {
 231   11:       SET {
 233    9:         SEQUENCE {
 235    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
 240    2:           PrintableString 'XX'
         :           }
         :         }
 244   53:       SET {
 246   51:         SEQUENCE {
 248    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
 253   44:           UTF8String
         :             'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure'
         :           }
         :         }
 299   43:       SET {
 301   41:         SEQUENCE {
 303    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11)
 308   34:           UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department'
         :           }
         :         }
 344   28:       SET {
 346   26:         SEQUENCE {
 348    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3)
 353   19:           UTF8String 'Dilithium Root - G1'
         :           }
         :         }
         :       }
 374 1972:     SEQUENCE {
 378   13:       SEQUENCE {
 380   11:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 3 6 1 4 1 2 267 12 6 5'
         :         }
 393 1953:       BIT STRING
         :         BF A0 23 53 83 61 79 B0 73 F3 33 A9 4F E5 83 36
         :         C0 B4 4D 87 DF A6 8F 77 F0 6F C0 47 8F 03 BE 79
         :         7B F2 5B 49 53 0C 9B 88 5E B7 30 5D A3 40 FB F5
         :         E3 9B A5 92 31 98 18 4D EE B2 B0 8C 0B 4F 85 7A
         :         59 9A 9C D0 BD DB 38 EC 27 B9 D7 EF ED E2 B5 38
         :         2B C7 4A BF C9 31 18 51 40 5E E6 EB 93 DD 6C 28
         :         E8 1E BD 3F 9F 69 FF 44 AC 5E F0 17 E1 5E A0 9E
         :         47 55 FB 72 5A 2F 2D 2E 97 6A 6E B4 E2 AC 40 77
         :                 [ Another 1824 bytes skipped ]
         :       }
2350  832:     [3] {
2354  828:       SEQUENCE {
2358   15:         SEQUENCE {
2360    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER basicConstraints (2 5 29 19)
2365    1:           BOOLEAN TRUE
2368    5:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
2370    3:             SEQUENCE {
2372    1:               BOOLEAN TRUE
         :               }
         :             }
         :           }
2375   14:         SEQUENCE {
2377    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER keyUsage (2 5 29 15)
2382    1:           BOOLEAN TRUE
2385    4:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
2387    2:             BIT STRING 1 unused bit
         :               '1100001'B
         :             }
         :           }
2391   29:         SEQUENCE {
2393    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14)
2398   22:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
2400   20:             OCTET STRING
         :               A7 79 28 FB 59 27 25 71 16 02 63 48 CB 69 28 72
         :               32 41 A4 6F
         :             }
         :           }
2422   31:         SEQUENCE {
2424    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER authorityKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 35)
2429   24:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
2431   22:             SEQUENCE {
2433   20:               [0]
         :                 A7 79 28 FB 59 27 25 71 16 02 63 48 CB 69 28 72
         :                 32 41 A4 6F
         :               }
         :             }
         :           }
2455  727:         SEQUENCE {
2459   10:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER
         :             deltaCertificateDescriptor (2 16 840 1 114027 80 6 1)
2471  711:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
2475  707:             SEQUENCE {
2479   20:               INTEGER
         :                 0C 24 0E E2 3E BC 25 E4 BA B6 08 12 BA 36 76 5B
         :                 FF B9 44 C0
2501   10:               [0] {
2503    8:                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
         :                   ecdsaWithSHA512 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 4)
         :                 }
2513  142:               [1] {
2516  139:                 SEQUENCE {
2519   11:                   SET {
2521    9:                     SEQUENCE {
2523    3:                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
2528    2:                       PrintableString 'XX'
         :                       }
         :                     }
2532   53:                   SET {
2534   51:                     SEQUENCE {
2536    3:                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
2541   44:                       UTF8String
         :                   'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure'
         :                       }
         :                     }
2587   43:                   SET {
2589   41:                     SEQUENCE {
2591    3:                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER
         :                         organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11)
2596   34:                       UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department'
         :                       }
         :                     }
2632   24:                   SET {
2634   22:                     SEQUENCE {
2636    3:                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3)
2641   15:                       UTF8String 'ECDSA Root - G1'
         :                       }
         :                     }
         :                   }
         :                 }
2658  142:               [3] {
2661  139:                 SEQUENCE {
2664   11:                   SET {
2666    9:                     SEQUENCE {
2668    3:                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
2673    2:                       PrintableString 'XX'
         :                       }
         :                     }
2677   53:                   SET {
2679   51:                     SEQUENCE {
2681    3:                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
2686   44:                       UTF8String
         :                   'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure'
         :                       }
         :                     }
2732   43:                   SET {
2734   41:                     SEQUENCE {
2736    3:                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER
         :                         organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11)
2741   34:                       UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department'
         :                       }
         :                     }
2777   24:                   SET {
2779   22:                     SEQUENCE {
2781    3:                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3)
2786   15:                       UTF8String 'ECDSA Root - G1'
         :                       }
         :                     }
         :                   }
         :                 }
2803  155:               SEQUENCE {
2806   16:                 SEQUENCE {
2808    7:                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecPublicKey (1 2 840 10045 2 1)
2817    5:                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER secp521r1 (1 3 132 0 35)
         :                   }
2824  134:                 BIT STRING
         :                   04 00 87 EB 58 14 EE 9C D2 42 AB 27 53 EE ED 8E
         :                   9B 02 90 AF C6 4F AE AE 87 E5 B3 87 A1 AB 12 B1
         :                   30 F0 ED E5 31 84 1A B4 C9 A3 84 47 09 A6 02 95
         :                   7E CD 52 3A C1 6F 15 8B 94 B1 F7 4C 3F 81 3A 60
         :                   D8 00 03 00 BF 0A EF FD E4 C4 AF F6 D6 E1 C9 45
         :                   0E F2 4C 0D 1B FE 38 B3 9E 4A 30 26 9E 66 E7 F9
         :                   65 67 96 0C 59 64 7C F4 4B 4F 01 A1 7C 98 E0 CA
         :                   C0 A9 17 A9 99 33 DE 5B AD 20 5B D3 DA 38 01 51
         :                   0B C5 AA 44 93
         :                 }
2961   80:               [4] {
2963   14:                 SEQUENCE {
2965    3:                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER keyUsage (2 5 29 15)
2970    1:                   BOOLEAN TRUE
2973    4:                   OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
2975    2:                     BIT STRING 1 unused bit
         :                       '1100000'B
         :                     }
         :                   }
2979   29:                 SEQUENCE {
2981    3:                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14)
2986   22:                   OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
2988   20:                     OCTET STRING
         :                     7F 15 EB 8A 8A F0 1A 3A 3F 24 6E C8 3A 27 49 B9
         :                     3E 27 38 5D
         :                     }
         :                   }
3010   31:                 SEQUENCE {
3012    3:                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER
         :                     authorityKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 35)
3017   24:                   OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
3019   22:                     SEQUENCE {
3021   20:                       [0]
         :                     7F 15 EB 8A 8A F0 1A 3A 3F 24 6E C8 3A 27 49 B9
         :                     3E 27 38 5D
         :                       }
         :                     }
         :                   }
         :                 }
3043  140:               BIT STRING, encapsulates {
3047  136:                 SEQUENCE {
3050   66:                   INTEGER
         :                     00 D9 AE 3D 9E A3 E2 E1 98 7F 1E 81 DB 13 FE EC
         :                     4E F3 09 8E 27 A4 B1 3B 29 B3 C4 0C 1F 4E 76 C7
         :                     D0 9B 19 99 03 A0 AC 0B 43 35 9D 2C 80 C3 E2 F8
         :                     64 0F D0 11 07 68 84 F9 8D EB 81 66 F1 47 71 95
         :                     53 3B
3118   66:                   INTEGER
         :                     00 DE 2E AC 08 DA 98 DD CD 28 13 9B 0E 8B F1 68
         :                     5D D7 58 65 B9 01 E2 22 7E 46 6B 17 A7 89 10 7F
         :                     64 DE FA 8B 2F E5 A9 F1 F1 2F 9B 55 FE A3 93 70
         :                     4E AF 56 7A D0 8B 2F 96 12 BC FF 65 9F AB 27 52
         :                     55 82
         :                   }
         :                 }
         :               }
         :             }
         :           }
         :         }
         :       }
         :     }
3186   13:   SEQUENCE {
3188   11:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 3 6 1 4 1 2 267 12 6 5'
         :     }
3201 3310:   BIT STRING
         :     85 C2 9E 65 DC D3 24 B2 44 32 7C E9 CB FB 6C FD
         :     04 38 C1 98 FA 39 44 94 27 2A D0 FC 15 63 99 7F
         :     89 91 5D 56 20 12 E1 1C C4 09 D4 14 B8 E0 56 0A
         :     A1 B9 B7 6E F4 C8 8E B3 88 02 C7 EB 76 24 FA CD
         :     0D 73 46 C3 DA FE 05 90 CD FD 26 F3 9C 4D 47 FD
         :     7D A4 D7 55 56 4A A5 69 91 DC 1F 95 6E 93 3E 40
         :     09 07 34 EB E2 BA 42 29 29 47 96 E6 CB 49 06 C9
         :     CA A2 7D A9 93 23 3C 4D 8D 7E 16 5F FF 9D 5D E1
         :             [ Another 3181 bytes skipped ]
         :   }

B.2. Algorithm migration example

B.2.1. Dilithium signing end-entity certificate

This is an end-entity signing certificate which certifies a Dilithium key.


   0 5676: SEQUENCE {
   4 2343:   SEQUENCE {
   8    3:     [0] {
  10    1:       INTEGER 2
         :       }
  13   20:     INTEGER 41 91 BC 8D 0A 73 58 38 E2 F5 F3 75 E0 03 8C B2 81 BC F5 22
  35   13:     SEQUENCE {
  37   11:       OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 3 6 1 4 1 2 267 12 6 5'
         :       }
  50  143:     SEQUENCE {
  53   11:       SET {
  55    9:         SEQUENCE {
  57    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
  62    2:           PrintableString 'XX'
         :           }
         :         }
  66   53:       SET {
  68   51:         SEQUENCE {
  70    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
  75   44:           UTF8String
         :             'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure'
         :           }
         :         }
 121   43:       SET {
 123   41:         SEQUENCE {
 125    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11)
 130   34:           UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department'
         :           }
         :         }
 166   28:       SET {
 168   26:         SEQUENCE {
 170    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3)
 175   19:           UTF8String 'Dilithium Root - G1'
         :           }
         :         }
         :       }
 196   30:     SEQUENCE {
 198   13:       UTCTime 12/09/2023 12:18:41 GMT
 213   13:       UTCTime 09/09/2033 12:18:41 GMT
         :       }
 228   47:     SEQUENCE {
 230   11:       SET {
 232    9:         SEQUENCE {
 234    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
 239    2:           PrintableString 'XX'
         :           }
         :         }
 243   15:       SET {
 245   13:         SEQUENCE {
 247    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER surname (2 5 4 4)
 252    6:           UTF8String 'Yamada'
         :           }
         :         }
 260   15:       SET {
 262   13:         SEQUENCE {
 264    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER givenName (2 5 4 42)
 269    6:           UTF8String 'Hanako'
         :           }
         :         }
         :       }
 277 1972:     SEQUENCE {
 281   13:       SEQUENCE {
 283   11:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 3 6 1 4 1 2 267 12 6 5'
         :         }
 296 1953:       BIT STRING
         :         67 22 4E 4B D8 AE B6 B6 AE 08 63 1D 0B 81 15 B6
         :         20 75 57 4A 0C 5D 29 46 ED 81 C6 8B 5F 58 D1 6A
         :         51 7D A4 6F 71 72 6D 0F 9C 20 47 D9 1D 25 1E AE
         :         C3 14 05 62 86 9A CB 1F 3C 62 B7 8C A4 01 E1 EB
         :         85 BD 70 D8 AB 56 E5 BA B1 A2 99 F1 24 C6 64 00
         :         F0 7B 03 C0 45 12 21 EF 56 3E 5E E8 28 7E D5 32
         :         BC C5 45 D5 01 FF 45 07 8A 76 52 B0 A4 27 E6 4D
         :         EA E5 5C 7B 4B 52 5F 02 C3 EE 40 1D A2 68 AA 9E
         :                 [ Another 1824 bytes skipped ]
         :       }
2253   96:     [3] {
2255   94:       SEQUENCE {
2257   12:         SEQUENCE {
2259    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER basicConstraints (2 5 29 19)
2264    1:           BOOLEAN TRUE
2267    2:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
2269    0:             SEQUENCE {}
         :             }
         :           }
2271   14:         SEQUENCE {
2273    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER keyUsage (2 5 29 15)
2278    1:           BOOLEAN TRUE
2281    4:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
2283    2:             BIT STRING 7 unused bits
         :               '1'B (bit 0)
         :             }
         :           }
2287   29:         SEQUENCE {
2289    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14)
2294   22:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
2296   20:             OCTET STRING
         :               45 47 41 95 AB AD C2 4E 3C 53 E1 65 91 94 8F 1C
         :               97 C8 63 AB
         :             }
         :           }
2318   31:         SEQUENCE {
2320    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER authorityKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 35)
2325   24:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
2327   22:             SEQUENCE {
2329   20:               [0]
         :                 A7 79 28 FB 59 27 25 71 16 02 63 48 CB 69 28 72
         :                 32 41 A4 6F
         :               }
         :             }
         :           }
         :         }
         :       }
         :     }
2351   13:   SEQUENCE {
2353   11:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 3 6 1 4 1 2 267 12 6 5'
         :     }
2366 3310:   BIT STRING
         :     55 2E 64 72 63 BC AC 70 A2 E3 ED C8 42 1E 44 40
         :     5C C2 1D 94 CC 76 0F 9E AB BD 16 41 CE ED AE 23
         :     78 2B 67 E7 45 0A 53 43 66 A9 B1 DC 74 89 29 9E
         :     D0 7E 20 94 FC 96 6D C3 0A 78 D1 6B EB F8 D6 54
         :     98 7B 59 AC 5E 4E BA 20 D5 EF 2E EA 91 99 2E EC
         :     B7 31 1B A4 E5 80 4A CB A4 13 86 75 68 F4 2B B8
         :     9E 97 E3 89 4C C3 B6 B2 67 62 D7 00 C8 E5 54 7B
         :     8D F6 3E 6D 7C A5 4B C4 5C AD 6D F8 38 72 A3 F2
         :             [ Another 3181 bytes skipped ]
         :   }

B.2.2. EC signing end-entity certificate with encoded Delta Certificate

This is an end-entity signing certificate which certifies an EC key. It contains a Delta Certificate Descriptor extension which includes sufficient information to recreate the Dilithium signing end-entity certificate.


   0 6179: SEQUENCE {
   4 6021:   SEQUENCE {
   8    3:     [0] {
  10    1:       INTEGER 2
         :       }
  13   20:     INTEGER 40 5C BD 35 25 6A F5 95 C6 E9 06 72 A3 5E 03 27 F6 DE C3 9F
  35   10:     SEQUENCE {
  37    8:       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecdsaWithSHA512 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 4)
         :       }
  47  139:     SEQUENCE {
  50   11:       SET {
  52    9:         SEQUENCE {
  54    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
  59    2:           PrintableString 'XX'
         :           }
         :         }
  63   53:       SET {
  65   51:         SEQUENCE {
  67    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
  72   44:           UTF8String
         :             'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure'
         :           }
         :         }
 118   43:       SET {
 120   41:         SEQUENCE {
 122    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11)
 127   34:           UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department'
         :           }
         :         }
 163   24:       SET {
 165   22:         SEQUENCE {
 167    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3)
 172   15:           UTF8String 'ECDSA Root - G1'
         :           }
         :         }
         :       }
 189   30:     SEQUENCE {
 191   13:       UTCTime 12/09/2023 12:18:41 GMT
 206   13:       UTCTime 09/09/2033 12:18:41 GMT
         :       }
 221   47:     SEQUENCE {
 223   11:       SET {
 225    9:         SEQUENCE {
 227    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
 232    2:           PrintableString 'XX'
         :           }
         :         }
 236   15:       SET {
 238   13:         SEQUENCE {
 240    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER surname (2 5 4 4)
 245    6:           UTF8String 'Yamada'
         :           }
         :         }
 253   15:       SET {
 255   13:         SEQUENCE {
 257    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER givenName (2 5 4 42)
 262    6:           UTF8String 'Hanako'
         :           }
         :         }
         :       }
 270   89:     SEQUENCE {
 272   19:       SEQUENCE {
 274    7:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecPublicKey (1 2 840 10045 2 1)
 283    8:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER prime256v1 (1 2 840 10045 3 1 7)
         :         }
 293   66:       BIT STRING
         :         04 6E D5 FD 21 7B 05 99 DA 87 E0 C5 93 0D B8 9F
         :         48 E5 05 01 4C DD EC 73 F9 86 75 0E 6C 1A 95 D2
         :         45 DC B8 EC 02 F7 D0 34 E0 1F 3B 59 0C 63 50 AA
         :         1A C0 AB 6F BB E2 CE 27 3D 73 EE 94 39 9D 44 B1
         :         C1
         :       }
 361 5664:     [3] {
 365 5660:       SEQUENCE {
 369   12:         SEQUENCE {
 371    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER basicConstraints (2 5 29 19)
 376    1:           BOOLEAN TRUE
 379    2:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
 381    0:             SEQUENCE {}
         :             }
         :           }
 383   14:         SEQUENCE {
 385    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER keyUsage (2 5 29 15)
 390    1:           BOOLEAN TRUE
 393    4:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
 395    2:             BIT STRING 7 unused bits
         :               '1'B (bit 0)
         :             }
         :           }
 399   29:         SEQUENCE {
 401    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14)
 406   22:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
 408   20:             OCTET STRING
         :               16 EA CA F1 9E 15 35 4E AE B3 1C 88 6B 51 66 C3
         :               4D 7C 10 29
         :             }
         :           }
 430   31:         SEQUENCE {
 432    3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER authorityKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 35)
 437   24:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
 439   22:             SEQUENCE {
 441   20:               [0]
         :                 7F 15 EB 8A 8A F0 1A 3A 3F 24 6E C8 3A 27 49 B9
         :                 3E 27 38 5D
         :               }
         :             }
         :           }
 463 5562:         SEQUENCE {
 467   10:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER
         :             deltaCertificateDescriptor (2 16 840 1 114027 80 6 1)
 479 5546:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
 483 5542:             SEQUENCE {
 487   20:               INTEGER
         :                 41 91 BC 8D 0A 73 58 38 E2 F5 F3 75 E0 03 8C B2
         :                 81 BC F5 22
 509   13:               [0] {
 511   11:                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 3 6 1 4 1 2 267 12 6 5'
         :                 }
 524  146:               [1] {
 527  143:                 SEQUENCE {
 530   11:                   SET {
 532    9:                     SEQUENCE {
 534    3:                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
 539    2:                       PrintableString 'XX'
         :                       }
         :                     }
 543   53:                   SET {
 545   51:                     SEQUENCE {
 547    3:                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
 552   44:                       UTF8String
         :                   'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure'
         :                       }
         :                     }
 598   43:                   SET {
 600   41:                     SEQUENCE {
 602    3:                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER
         :                         organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11)
 607   34:                       UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department'
         :                       }
         :                     }
 643   28:                   SET {
 645   26:                     SEQUENCE {
 647    3:                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3)
 652   19:                       UTF8String 'Dilithium Root - G1'
         :                       }
         :                     }
         :                   }
         :                 }
 673 1972:               SEQUENCE {
 677   13:                 SEQUENCE {
 679   11:                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 3 6 1 4 1 2 267 12 6 5'
         :                   }
 692 1953:                 BIT STRING
         :                   67 22 4E 4B D8 AE B6 B6 AE 08 63 1D 0B 81 15 B6
         :                   20 75 57 4A 0C 5D 29 46 ED 81 C6 8B 5F 58 D1 6A
         :                   51 7D A4 6F 71 72 6D 0F 9C 20 47 D9 1D 25 1E AE
         :                   C3 14 05 62 86 9A CB 1F 3C 62 B7 8C A4 01 E1 EB
         :                   85 BD 70 D8 AB 56 E5 BA B1 A2 99 F1 24 C6 64 00
         :                   F0 7B 03 C0 45 12 21 EF 56 3E 5E E8 28 7E D5 32
         :                   BC C5 45 D5 01 FF 45 07 8A 76 52 B0 A4 27 E6 4D
         :                   EA E5 5C 7B 4B 52 5F 02 C3 EE 40 1D A2 68 AA 9E
         :                           [ Another 1824 bytes skipped ]
         :                 }
2649   64:               [4] {
2651   29:                 SEQUENCE {
2653    3:                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14)
2658   22:                   OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
2660   20:                     OCTET STRING
         :                     45 47 41 95 AB AD C2 4E 3C 53 E1 65 91 94 8F 1C
         :                     97 C8 63 AB
         :                     }
         :                   }
2682   31:                 SEQUENCE {
2684    3:                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER
         :                     authorityKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 35)
2689   24:                   OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
2691   22:                     SEQUENCE {
2693   20:                       [0]
         :                     A7 79 28 FB 59 27 25 71 16 02 63 48 CB 69 28 72
         :                     32 41 A4 6F
         :                       }
         :                     }
         :                   }
         :                 }
2715 3310:               BIT STRING
         :                 55 2E 64 72 63 BC AC 70 A2 E3 ED C8 42 1E 44 40
         :                 5C C2 1D 94 CC 76 0F 9E AB BD 16 41 CE ED AE 23
         :                 78 2B 67 E7 45 0A 53 43 66 A9 B1 DC 74 89 29 9E
         :                 D0 7E 20 94 FC 96 6D C3 0A 78 D1 6B EB F8 D6 54
         :                 98 7B 59 AC 5E 4E BA 20 D5 EF 2E EA 91 99 2E EC
         :                 B7 31 1B A4 E5 80 4A CB A4 13 86 75 68 F4 2B B8
         :                 9E 97 E3 89 4C C3 B6 B2 67 62 D7 00 C8 E5 54 7B
         :                 8D F6 3E 6D 7C A5 4B C4 5C AD 6D F8 38 72 A3 F2
         :                         [ Another 3181 bytes skipped ]
         :               }
         :             }
         :           }
         :         }
         :       }
         :     }
6029   10:   SEQUENCE {
6031    8:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecdsaWithSHA512 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 4)
         :     }
6041  139:   BIT STRING, encapsulates {
6045  135:     SEQUENCE {
6048   66:       INTEGER
         :         01 F7 8F DF D7 53 46 C3 FF 5B D8 75 76 DC A1 EE
         :         EE AB 09 65 D2 0E 52 24 7B C2 44 7E B7 ED FB 7E
         :         6E F9 71 BB 7B C9 09 3E 13 75 6F CB E0 47 AB D2
         :         01 81 37 EE 67 6F 83 BB 43 C4 66 3E 40 47 CE 7B
         :         B7 79
6116   65:       INTEGER
         :         4D CF B9 90 12 96 55 45 DE 0E 80 A7 FA 17 E6 ED
         :         AF 98 0E 98 C7 6B 57 6F 7B 3C 2F C9 5D 08 6D A0
         :         48 15 5B DA 9D 2F 48 18 B5 BF 70 0B 9B 84 E3 35
         :         BD 25 F8 FE F0 1B 00 72 71 0A A6 24 21 D5 8A 7C
         :         49
         :       }
         :     }
         :   }

B.3. Dual use example

B.3.1. EC signing end-entity certificate

This is an end-entity signing certificate which certifies an EC key.


  0 609: SEQUENCE {
  4 451:   SEQUENCE {
  8   3:     [0] {
 10   1:       INTEGER 2
       :       }
 13  20:     INTEGER 55 C5 4D 7E 27 28 8A 94 6C E1 CE 89 06 21 7B DF 55 6D 0C B0
 35  10:     SEQUENCE {
 37   8:       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecdsaWithSHA512 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 4)
       :       }
 47 139:     SEQUENCE {
 50  11:       SET {
 52   9:         SEQUENCE {
 54   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
 59   2:           PrintableString 'XX'
       :           }
       :         }
 63  53:       SET {
 65  51:         SEQUENCE {
 67   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
 72  44:           UTF8String
       :             'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure'
       :           }
       :         }
118  43:       SET {
120  41:         SEQUENCE {
122   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11)
127  34:           UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department'
       :           }
       :         }
163  24:       SET {
165  22:         SEQUENCE {
167   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3)
172  15:           UTF8String 'ECDSA Root - G1'
       :           }
       :         }
       :       }
189  30:     SEQUENCE {
191  13:       UTCTime 26/05/2023 13:06:31 GMT
206  13:       UTCTime 22/05/2026 13:06:31 GMT
       :       }
221  47:     SEQUENCE {
223  11:       SET {
225   9:         SEQUENCE {
227   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
232   2:           PrintableString 'XX'
       :           }
       :         }
236  15:       SET {
238  13:         SEQUENCE {
240   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER surname (2 5 4 4)
245   6:           UTF8String 'Yamada'
       :           }
       :         }
253  15:       SET {
255  13:         SEQUENCE {
257   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER givenName (2 5 4 42)
262   6:           UTF8String 'Hanako'
       :           }
       :         }
       :       }
270  89:     SEQUENCE {
272  19:       SEQUENCE {
274   7:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecPublicKey (1 2 840 10045 2 1)
283   8:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER prime256v1 (1 2 840 10045 3 1 7)
       :         }
293  66:       BIT STRING
       :         04 42 25 48 F8 8F B7 82 FF B5 EC A3 74 44 52 C7
       :         2A 1E 55 8F BD 6F 73 BE 5E 48 E9 32 32 CC 45 C5
       :         B1 6C 4C D1 0C 4C B8 D5 B8 A1 71 39 E9 48 82 C8
       :         99 25 72 99 34 25 F4 14 19 AB 7E 90 A4 2A 49 42
       :         72
       :       }
361  96:     [3] {
363  94:       SEQUENCE {
365  12:         SEQUENCE {
367   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER basicConstraints (2 5 29 19)
372   1:           BOOLEAN TRUE
375   2:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
377   0:             SEQUENCE {}
       :             }
       :           }
379  14:         SEQUENCE {
381   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER keyUsage (2 5 29 15)
386   1:           BOOLEAN TRUE
389   4:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
391   2:             BIT STRING 7 unused bits
       :               '1'B (bit 0)
       :             }
       :           }
395  29:         SEQUENCE {
397   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14)
402  22:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
404  20:             OCTET STRING
       :               5B 70 A7 98 17 F7 9F F6 37 D2 F7 E3 DC 44 6C 21
       :               09 D7 BB D4
       :             }
       :           }
426  31:         SEQUENCE {
428   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER authorityKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 35)
433  24:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
435  22:             SEQUENCE {
437  20:               [0]
       :                 8E C2 14 09 60 76 EA 90 38 E9 39 AE 1B 6D 52 C4
       :                 17 7D 9F BE
       :               }
       :             }
       :           }
       :         }
       :       }
       :     }
459  10:   SEQUENCE {
461   8:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecdsaWithSHA512 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 4)
       :     }
471 139:   BIT STRING, encapsulates {
475 135:     SEQUENCE {
478  66:       INTEGER
       :         01 30 7E E2 64 80 3D 18 4B 76 83 37 59 23 F1 E2
       :         5E CF A1 97 AE 89 83 9B 09 56 45 EE F5 7A D5 BA
       :         A6 3E 11 6C 92 66 7E D5 A5 D2 30 80 01 7D A3 44
       :         2F 94 DC F9 F8 92 14 E5 EE 66 CE 09 49 F5 B1 C9
       :         39 5A
546  65:       INTEGER
       :         62 2B D5 F8 AB 99 2F C8 75 B2 F7 B6 1B C6 43 0E
       :         38 37 84 AB 42 26 C1 A3 1A 6E 63 4E 12 CE 34 10
       :         61 07 6C 43 CB 20 7C D6 DF 8E C1 47 C8 99 AA E3
       :         C2 03 DC 2C A5 CE B2 F1 E7 72 5D C0 6F FE 0D 98
       :         87
       :       }
       :     }
       :   }

B.3.2. EC dual use end-entity certificate with encoded Delta Certificate

This is an end-entity key exchange certificate which certifies an EC key. It contains a Delta Certificate Descriptor extension which includes sufficient information to the recreate the EC signing end-entity certificate.


  0 970: SEQUENCE {
  4 812:   SEQUENCE {
  8   3:     [0] {
 10   1:       INTEGER 2
       :       }
 13  20:     INTEGER 73 3C 5C 56 C3 5A EC CF 6E 4A CE 7D F2 FB 86 6A D1 8B 0E E2
 35  10:     SEQUENCE {
 37   8:       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecdsaWithSHA512 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 4)
       :       }
 47 139:     SEQUENCE {
 50  11:       SET {
 52   9:         SEQUENCE {
 54   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
 59   2:           PrintableString 'XX'
       :           }
       :         }
 63  53:       SET {
 65  51:         SEQUENCE {
 67   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10)
 72  44:           UTF8String
       :             'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure'
       :           }
       :         }
118  43:       SET {
120  41:         SEQUENCE {
122   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11)
127  34:           UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department'
       :           }
       :         }
163  24:       SET {
165  22:         SEQUENCE {
167   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3)
172  15:           UTF8String 'ECDSA Root - G1'
       :           }
       :         }
       :       }
189  30:     SEQUENCE {
191  13:       UTCTime 26/05/2023 13:06:31 GMT
206  13:       UTCTime 22/05/2026 13:06:31 GMT
       :       }
221  47:     SEQUENCE {
223  11:       SET {
225   9:         SEQUENCE {
227   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6)
232   2:           PrintableString 'XX'
       :           }
       :         }
236  15:       SET {
238  13:         SEQUENCE {
240   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER surname (2 5 4 4)
245   6:           UTF8String 'Yamada'
       :           }
       :         }
253  15:       SET {
255  13:         SEQUENCE {
257   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER givenName (2 5 4 42)
262   6:           UTF8String 'Hanako'
       :           }
       :         }
       :       }
270 118:     SEQUENCE {
272  16:       SEQUENCE {
274   7:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecPublicKey (1 2 840 10045 2 1)
283   5:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER secp384r1 (1 3 132 0 34)
       :         }
290  98:       BIT STRING
       :         04 5B 09 01 B8 85 23 29 6E B9 19 D5 0F FA 1A 9C
       :         B3 74 BC 4D 40 95 86 28 2B FE CA 11 B1 D9 5A DB
       :         B5 47 34 AF 57 0B F8 2B 72 28 CF 22 6B CF 4C 25
       :         DD BC FE 3B 1A 3A D3 94 30 EF F7 63 E1 D6 8D 2E
       :         15 1D 91 72 0B 77 95 B5 8D A6 B3 46 39 61 3A 8F
       :         B9 B5 A8 DA 48 C6 74 71 17 F9 91 9E 84 24 F3 7E
       :         C8
       :       }
390 426:     [3] {
394 422:       SEQUENCE {
398  12:         SEQUENCE {
400   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER basicConstraints (2 5 29 19)
405   1:           BOOLEAN TRUE
408   2:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
410   0:             SEQUENCE {}
       :             }
       :           }
412  14:         SEQUENCE {
414   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER keyUsage (2 5 29 15)
419   1:           BOOLEAN TRUE
422   4:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
424   2:             BIT STRING 3 unused bits
       :               '10000'B (bit 4)
       :             }
       :           }
428  29:         SEQUENCE {
430   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14)
435  22:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
437  20:             OCTET STRING
       :               0A E3 A0 FE 9D D4 25 76 98 B5 EB 72 EB CA 0C E7
       :               BF 3D F5 F1
       :             }
       :           }
459  31:         SEQUENCE {
461   3:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER authorityKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 35)
466  24:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
468  22:             SEQUENCE {
470  20:               [0]
       :                 8E C2 14 09 60 76 EA 90 38 E9 39 AE 1B 6D 52 C4
       :                 17 7D 9F BE
       :               }
       :             }
       :           }
492 324:         SEQUENCE {
496  10:           OBJECT IDENTIFIER
       :             deltaCertificateDescriptor (2 16 840 1 114027 80 6 1)
508 308:           OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
512 304:             SEQUENCE {
516  20:               INTEGER
       :                 55 C5 4D 7E 27 28 8A 94 6C E1 CE 89 06 21 7B DF
       :                 55 6D 0C B0
538  89:               SEQUENCE {
540  19:                 SEQUENCE {
542   7:                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecPublicKey (1 2 840 10045 2 1)
551   8:                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER prime256v1 (1 2 840 10045 3 1 7)
       :                   }
561  66:                 BIT STRING
       :                   04 42 25 48 F8 8F B7 82 FF B5 EC A3 74 44 52 C7
       :                   2A 1E 55 8F BD 6F 73 BE 5E 48 E9 32 32 CC 45 C5
       :                   B1 6C 4C D1 0C 4C B8 D5 B8 A1 71 39 E9 48 82 C8
       :                   99 25 72 99 34 25 F4 14 19 AB 7E 90 A4 2A 49 42
       :                   72
       :                 }
629  47:               [4] {
631  14:                 SEQUENCE {
633   3:                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER keyUsage (2 5 29 15)
638   1:                   BOOLEAN TRUE
641   4:                   OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
643   2:                     BIT STRING 7 unused bits
       :                       '1'B (bit 0)
       :                     }
       :                   }
647  29:                 SEQUENCE {
649   3:                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14)
654  22:                   OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
656  20:                     OCTET STRING
       :                       5B 70 A7 98 17 F7 9F F6 37 D2 F7 E3 DC 44 6C 21
       :                       09 D7 BB D4
       :                     }
       :                   }
       :                 }
678 139:               BIT STRING, encapsulates {
682 135:                 SEQUENCE {
685  66:                   INTEGER
       :                     01 30 7E E2 64 80 3D 18 4B 76 83 37 59 23 F1 E2
       :                     5E CF A1 97 AE 89 83 9B 09 56 45 EE F5 7A D5 BA
       :                     A6 3E 11 6C 92 66 7E D5 A5 D2 30 80 01 7D A3 44
       :                     2F 94 DC F9 F8 92 14 E5 EE 66 CE 09 49 F5 B1 C9
       :                     39 5A
753  65:                   INTEGER
       :                     62 2B D5 F8 AB 99 2F C8 75 B2 F7 B6 1B C6 43 0E
       :                     38 37 84 AB 42 26 C1 A3 1A 6E 63 4E 12 CE 34 10
       :                     61 07 6C 43 CB 20 7C D6 DF 8E C1 47 C8 99 AA E3
       :                     C2 03 DC 2C A5 CE B2 F1 E7 72 5D C0 6F FE 0D 98
       :                     87
       :                   }
       :                 }
       :               }
       :             }
       :           }
       :         }
       :       }
       :     }
820  10:   SEQUENCE {
822   8:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecdsaWithSHA512 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 4)
       :     }
832 139:   BIT STRING, encapsulates {
836 135:     SEQUENCE {
839  65:       INTEGER
       :         76 3E 46 D7 75 84 CA E5 E2 D5 BB 22 CD DC 36 38
       :         B0 1C D6 2C E4 BD 76 27 94 6F F8 EE FC A2 92 FF
       :         6B A5 1F 6C 6A 5C 7A 20 75 38 87 81 92 38 FF 47
       :         25 42 4D 34 90 8A DE BB 15 67 3F 82 60 E4 93 28
       :         8C
906  66:       INTEGER
       :         01 F9 8B 8C C1 15 E5 7D 05 4E DE 2B CD 75 39 6E
       :         10 E0 08 E3 84 A3 A6 65 E8 EB 74 23 C2 A5 CB 56
       :         24 C4 EB A9 8E 59 91 C1 A1 72 FA 22 29 44 B4 56
       :         A3 AE 43 BF 1C 0B 89 AF 2C 08 D8 4D D1 A0 E1 D2
       :         FA 56
       :       }
       :     }
       :   }


TODO acknowledge.

Authors' Addresses

C. Bonnell
J. Gray
D. Hook
T. Okubo
M. Ounsworth